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We provide reliable data for farmers to make informed decisions.

Get real-time weather updates, track market prices, and financial record keeping - all on one platform with Raining Vegetables.

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Tools to Grow Your Farm

Raining Vegetables offers a suite of tools to help you manage your farm, increase productivity, and maximize profits.

SMS Weekly Weather Alerts

Get real-time weather forecasts delivered straight to your phone via SMS, every week. No need for a smartphone or internet access. Simply register with your local farmer group or organization, and we'll keep you informed about upcoming weather conditions.

weekly forecast

Farm Calendar and Weather Alerts

Our Smart Calendar syncs tasks with real-time weather alerts. Schedule farm activities, get notified of upcoming weather changes, and keep your team informed. Maximize efficiency, minimize disruptions, and boost your farm's output.

farm calendar
farm calendar

Expense & Revenue Reports

Track your farm's finances to get a clear picture of profitability. Monitor expenses, revenue, and profits to make informed decisions. Access financial reports, analyze trends, and plan for the future.


Market Prices

Negotiate with confidence! Access recent market prices (updated monthly) for over 50 crops across 50 markets, with over 1,000 data points to inform your decisions. Stop leaving money on the table – get the information you need to secure the best price for your harvest.

market prices

Buy Inputs & Sell Food

One Stop Shop for Your Farm: Sell fresh produce directly to eager customers through your own online shop. Plus, find reliable farm inputs and usage guides, all in one place. We simplify sales, manage inventory, and connect you to a thriving local food network

market prices


Uncertain about next season's crop? We provide per-acre cost analysis, along with advantages, disadvantages, and planting info for various crops. Make informed decisions and maximize your farm's profitability.

market prices

7,000+ Network of Farmers on Raining Vegetables

Join the growing community of partners & farmers of Raining Vegetables.

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Join the 7000+ farmers who already trust Raining Vegetables.

Get the Raining Vegetables mobile app.

You can access your account anywhere, anytime and so much more. Start your free 30-day trial today.

Farm Smart. Farm with Data.